Adapting to new Microsoft security restrictions for certified visuals

The new certified version of Image has now become available. This version is 2.0.4 and is the first version to appear that supports Microsoft's new security restrictions.

Customers who were not aware of this change may be greeted with an unexpected red "Remote image" warning as their visual is updated.


This warning appears because the certified visual is being asked to load images from an http or https url. Under the new security restrictions, this is not allowed in order to protect user privacy and security. Certified visuals cannot make remote calls, and can only load images from the report's dataset. These images are usually stored in base64 or svg format.

There are two approaches for resolving this issue.

First, if you do not need features like PDF or PowerPoint exporting that today are only available with certified visuals, use the uncertified version of Image. You can download it from AppSource, and it supports remote images just as the certified version previously did.

Alternately, if you need PDF and PowerPoint export features, or perhaps your organization policy requires that you use certified visuals only, you can convert your images to base64 versions.

A useful blog post by Chris Webb can get you started in the right direction. In addition, you can download the demo pbix file from Image Certified for another example of how to load internal images.

The feature set is identical between the certified and uncertified versions of Image by CloudScope, so your only decision is how you want to load your image data.

While this is taking place with the Image by CloudScope visual now, the process will repeat with all of the other CloudScope visuals over the next few weeks as they adopt Microsoft's new security restrictions. Prepare now by implementing the uncertified version of your favorite CloudScope visual in order to avoid an unexpected warning. And then choose to adopt the certified versions when they become available in your needs demand.

If you disagree with this security requirement, you have the chance to vote for our Power BI Idea. Make your opinion heard. It needs your vote.

27 Jul 2024

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