Power BI custom visual

Collage by CloudScope

Collage by CloudScope is available on Microsoft AppSource.

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Tips and Tricks

  • Collage by CloudScope does not connect to Instagram. It displays existing images in your dataset using image URLs in an Instagram-style format.

  • There are 11 basic column types that you can use in building your image display. The first step in using the visual is to add columns from your data model and map them to these column types.

    It is not required to provide all of the column types. If you don't provide a column type, it won't be displayed.

  • In addition to the 11 basic column types, there is a special column type called "Data" that you can use to include any generic data field (text, number, true/false or string).

  • There is no recommended size for the image, but the visualization will work best with square images, just like on Instagram. In the grid view, images will be forced to square, which may result in cropping. In the detail view, the display is more flexible but some cropping may occur to optimize the display layout. If you encounter some image sizes that don't display well, please let us know.

  • The "Image date" column will be displayed using standard Instagram formatting. If the date is less than a day in the past, it will be displayed in hours. If the date was within this calendar year, the year is not shown. There are currently no localization options for this formatting.


To open a support ticket for Collage by CloudScope, please send an email message to support@cloudscope.io describing your problem. We'll get back to you!

To suggest a new feature or to request assistance developing your own custom visual, please contact us at info@cloudscope.io.